Organ Donation
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     Organ donation is where a person donated their organs to another person after they have passes away. Some organs that you can donate while you are still alive are one kidney, a lung, or a part of a liver, pancreas, or intestine. Organs that can be donated when you are dead are both kidneys, lungs. heart, pancreas, blood, platelets, tissue, corneas, bones, intestines, hands, and face. There are many lives that you can save by doing so. You can save about 50 people by just being an organ donor. Also, 20 people die each day waiting for a transplant and every 10 minutes a new person is added to the waiting list. Many people support organ donation (95%), but only 54% signed up to be one. The ethnicity that have more donors are Caucasian with 66.7% and other being 1.8%. There are many reason to be an organ donor and it helps many people. 
     The reason why I chose this topic is because I want to be an organ donor. I do not want to take my organs with me when I die, they are not going to help anyone. However, if I let the doctors take them, so many lives can be saved. I had told my family before that I want to be an organ donor and they ask me,"why?' so I tell them, because I want people to have the same chance I had to get to have a full life. I try to convince them to be one to but they do not want to. There are many more reasons as to why I chose this topic, but that was the most important one


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