Duties and Responsibilities:
They examine, diagnose, treat, and prevent visual problems. Optometrist also manage diseases, injuries, and other eye problems. They may work in doctor's office, optical good stores, self employed. or stand alone offices. An optometrist may work on the weekend, full time, evening to care for patients.
The median annual salary for an optometrist is $103,900 since the year 2015.
To become an optometrist you must acquire all educational requirements. Education such as a 4 year optometry program, bachelor's degree on Doctoral or professional degree, and state license. Also, there are skills that you must have or develop to be prepares. They consist of having the ability to multitask, management and business skills, and delegate skills.
The career pathway of an optometrist does not interest me. Although, they eye is a very interesting part of the body, it is not something that I would like to focus on doing. Also, an optometrist does get payed good but not everything has to do with money. I would rather do something else than this, not that it is a bad career or anything. So, I would not like to become an optometrist.

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