Winter Break
My winter break consisted of many fun adventures. One of the many things I did was go ice skating. I also went to visit my brother, he lives in Corning, Ca ( 2 hrs further from Sacramento). I was there from 12/25/17 - 1/3/18. While I was there I did many things such as went to Six flags, Chico, Santa Cruz, and went to Sacramento a few times. I watched a lot of movies as well and slept late as well as woke up late. I did met a few new people over the break. I met some of my brothers family member who I haven't seen before and I met my sister cousins friends. I also reviewed my goals and wrote some journal entries. While I was over there I always had good manners. I didn't read any books or watch any sport events. When I came back home i saw my dog and she had grew since when I left. On 1/6 we cut this bread that is called La Rosca (I believe) and if you get a baby you have to make tamales or some type of food. I ended up getting one as well as my uncle and aunt. I did many other things as well and winter break was 3 weeks but it felt like it was only a week.
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