"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly." - Otto Graham, Jr.

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     Throughout life there will be several events where you will have to make a decision. To make this decision much more easier ask yourslef if it is the right thing to do or is it the wrong thing to do. Think about the consquences that can occur and all the trouble that you can get into. However, if you do the right thing, all you eed to think about is nothing really. There will not be any bad consquence if you choose the right instead of the right. The wrong is always wrong, there will never be a time where the wrong is right. When you choose the right, great things will come to you, things that you never thought could happen to you. For example, if you see someone in the store that is stealing, so you tell the owner so they can call the police. When the police arrives they will take the robbers to jail and the owner will be very thankful for the great act you did. They might even reward you with something like candy, food, or money. However, if they do not, that is ok because you were already rewarded with a smile and a good conscience by doing the right thing. Always ask yourself if it is correct what you are going to do because in the end you will end up regretting if you chose the wrong.


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