Duties and Responsibilities:
They will examine and diagnose bodily fluids to determine and treat diseases. You may perform autopies to determine the cause of death, be in charge of a laboratory, and stay abreast of research and develpment.
The median annual salary for a Pathologist since 2016 is, $191,945.
Inorder to become a Pathologist you must acquire all educational requirements. These include a bachelor's degree, attend an accredited medical school, Medical Doctor degree or Doctor of Osteopathy degree, and recidency. Once you have done all that, you then have to get your license and certification.
Demand or Need:
Some of the skills that are needed to be a great Pathologist are excellent communication and problem solving skills, having the ability to work inder pressure and put people at their ease, and good at seeing visual patterns.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? why? why not?
The career pathway of a Pathologis seems a bit interesting. However, I would not like to become one for various reasons. These reason consist of working with bodily fluids, the education will take 12 years or even longer. Although, the pay is good, but I wouldn't like to be doing this job everyday. I would enjoy this for a day or a week, but not forever.
Duties and Responsibilities:
They will examine and diagnose bodily fluids to determine and treat diseases. You may perform autopies to determine the cause of death, be in charge of a laboratory, and stay abreast of research and develpment.
The median annual salary for a Pathologist since 2016 is, $191,945.
Inorder to become a Pathologist you must acquire all educational requirements. These include a bachelor's degree, attend an accredited medical school, Medical Doctor degree or Doctor of Osteopathy degree, and recidency. Once you have done all that, you then have to get your license and certification.
Demand or Need:
Some of the skills that are needed to be a great Pathologist are excellent communication and problem solving skills, having the ability to work inder pressure and put people at their ease, and good at seeing visual patterns.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? why? why not?
The career pathway of a Pathologis seems a bit interesting. However, I would not like to become one for various reasons. These reason consist of working with bodily fluids, the education will take 12 years or even longer. Although, the pay is good, but I wouldn't like to be doing this job everyday. I would enjoy this for a day or a week, but not forever.
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