"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all." - Benjamin Franklin

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 Having materialitic things, money, and stregth are not really important or have any great use. A right heart however, it so important and neccessary. Having a right heart means that you are a great person, have an amazing character, have good intentions, and only do things for the good of someone. A person with a right heart is someone who is not selfish, rude, and always does wrong things. For example, if someone you love is in a bad situation and are very sad. Beauty, strength, and greath riches are not going to solve their problem. Instead be a person with the right heart and be there for them and support them. Now that will be a great use, they will be very happy to know that they have someone by their side. If you decide to always choose the wrong and never the right, then you don't have a right heart. It is never to late to change.


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