"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true, I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." - Abraham Lincoln

Life is not about winning, it is about doing what is right. Being true is better than lying and ending up without anyone by your side. Always defend what is right and not what is wrong, when it is true and not a lie. There are many benefits that are going to come to you if you are true, honest, and a CTR person because people will know what type of person you are and will want to help you. However, if you decide to always tell lies all your life, things aren't going to go well. Lies after lies, you are going to be a miserable person with no one there to help you. The truth will end up coming out eventually, there is no escape, you can't run away from the truth. Instead of telling lies, tell the truth instead. You will feel better about yourself, you will be a better person, and you will have a good conscience. You will never have to feel guilty because you said the truth. The truth can hurt sometimes, but it is better if it is said than kept.

Life is not about winning, it is about doing what is right. Being true is better than lying and ending up without anyone by your side. Always defend what is right and not what is wrong, when it is true and not a lie. There are many benefits that are going to come to you if you are true, honest, and a CTR person because people will know what type of person you are and will want to help you. However, if you decide to always tell lies all your life, things aren't going to go well. Lies after lies, you are going to be a miserable person with no one there to help you. The truth will end up coming out eventually, there is no escape, you can't run away from the truth. Instead of telling lies, tell the truth instead. You will feel better about yourself, you will be a better person, and you will have a good conscience. You will never have to feel guilty because you said the truth. The truth can hurt sometimes, but it is better if it is said than kept.
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