"A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton

Promises should never be broken. There is no valid excuse or reason to for someone to break their word. Promises mean a lot to some people and they want people to hold on to them. Personally, promises do not have any meaning to me and I do not like to make promises. A really long time ago, someone made me a promise and that promise meant a lot to me. Soon enough, the promise was broken. Now, promises are just word without meaning. That's why I prefer actions over words.
Many people make promises and those who keep the promises are trust worthy people. There are many reason why some people might break a promise, it might be because they couldn't keep it in anymore, they're untrustworthy people, or they can't handle something as simple as a promise. Those who do keep them are trustworthy people, respectful, have integrity, and they are a CTR person. When someone breaks someone's promise they loose all the respect they had for that person, they loose someone who cared for them, and they lost their trust. So, do not break a promise even if it is little or small.

Promises should never be broken. There is no valid excuse or reason to for someone to break their word. Promises mean a lot to some people and they want people to hold on to them. Personally, promises do not have any meaning to me and I do not like to make promises. A really long time ago, someone made me a promise and that promise meant a lot to me. Soon enough, the promise was broken. Now, promises are just word without meaning. That's why I prefer actions over words.
Many people make promises and those who keep the promises are trust worthy people. There are many reason why some people might break a promise, it might be because they couldn't keep it in anymore, they're untrustworthy people, or they can't handle something as simple as a promise. Those who do keep them are trustworthy people, respectful, have integrity, and they are a CTR person. When someone breaks someone's promise they loose all the respect they had for that person, they loose someone who cared for them, and they lost their trust. So, do not break a promise even if it is little or small.
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