"Dare to stand alone. Stand up even for what is right, even if you stand alone." -Thomas S. Monson

In this world, there will be many times where you may have to stand alone. It is okay to do so, only if it is the right thing to do. Throughout your life there will be a peer pressure, bad comments, names people call you, and most of all knowing to stand up for what is right. For example, your cousin bought a bottle of vodka and all your cousins are drinking. Then, they tell you to drink some and you say NO. So, they start pressuring you to take a shot, they begin saying good too shoes, etc. However, you already have your mind set that you are not going to ever drink in your entire life, so you decide to say no and get out of the room. It is better to stand up alone, for the things that you believe in than stay with those who are choosing the wrong. It is important to always keep your mind set, goals in check, and remember to stand up for yourself and others.
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