"Do not make wishes, make accomplishments." - Jennifer Pimentel

Over the years, there will be many things you desire to have or be. The only way to get this is to stop wishing and start doing something to make it a reality. Wishing does not make anything become true, they are just thoughts in your heads. Accomplishments however, they are things that you successfully completed, something you accomplished. For example, my sister told me one day, I wish I had a car of my own. So I told her, the get a job, do good in school, get your career, and then you will have enough money to get your car. In addition, when I was younger would tell myself, "I wish I had a dog" so I learned that I had to stop telling myself that and start trying to make it become true. I began bugging my parents and trying to convince them to get me one. Finally, October of 2017 they finally agreed. I also learned that people need to believe in themselves that they can do anything they set their mind to, it is all about effort, time, and never giving up.
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