"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: Self-respect, dignity, (self- worth), integrity, and self-esteem." - Dr. Laura Schlessinger

When a person does the right things, a reward is received. This reward may be materialistic or even better an internal phenomenon. This means that makes you a better person, gives you self esteem, self worth, respect, and dignity. Doing the right thing helps you keep a clean and healthy conscience. However, when you choose the wrong others and yourself will have no respect toward you, no dignity, and a bad conscience. For example, today on my way to class, I saw this girl Kate one crutches and the door was going to slam on her. Without hesitation, I ran to the door and held it open for her. I felt good about my self. If I did not do what I did I would of felt bad, guilt, disappointed because I knew I could've done something about it. Do the right thing because the best reward that you can get is an internal phenomenon.
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